Johnny America




Illustration of a container ship in front of a background of clouds.

How do I ex­press this? 

The thought comes word­less­ly to Bruno as he sits fac­ing the sky be­yond the boxy, util­i­tar­i­an cruise ship docked at Os­an­bashi Pier. The clouds have caught him again.

He shifts his gaze to the bay it­self as the mo­tion of a wa­ter taxi catch­es his eye. Far­ther out, a con­tain­er ship makes its way to­ward the open sea.

The Ju­ly sun is blaz­ing and mer­ci­less, but Shizu­ka found them two chairs un­der a canopy tent. They are seat­ed in the cor­ner of a Mex­i­co-themed arrange­ment of food stands, set be­tween two brick ware­hous­es built be­fore the First World War which now serve as a com­mer­cial com­plex. Tex-Mex fare and var­i­ous drinks are on offer. 

Bruno’s Dos Eq­uis Am­bar is get­ting tepid, so he drains it and thinks about what to get next, ig­nor­ing the cog­ni­tive dis­so­nance caused by his slow­ly ex­pand­ing bel­ly and de­clin­ing liv­er function. 

Shizu­ka smiles at him, and he smiles back and re­mem­bers that he needs to stay sober enough to get her home safe­ly. In the twi­light be­tween youth and mid­dle age, she is six­teen years his ju­nior and less prone to hang­overs, though she can’t hold her booze well. He leans over and kiss­es her.

He gets up to buy an­oth­er Dos Eq­uis, then re­turns to his chair and looks again at the sky.

Up­on the hori­zon lay bil­low­ing clouds of white and grey, ex­pand­ing im­per­cep­ti­bly against the un­bro­ken blue ex­panse, mov­ing him in ways ar­cane and in­ex­press­ible by verse, sketch, or paint­ing. A beau­ty his soul holds cap­tive and yet longs for. 

“I wish I could paint it,” he says to her, eyes still fixed on the clouds.

“You could write it.” 

“Yeah, maybe.”

“You can.”

He takes a swig of beer and says, “OK. Thanks for find­ing these chairs.” 

Filed under Fiction on January 3rd, 2025

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