Johnny America




Illustration of man on motorcycle looking at a sunset.

I am a man. I am strong. Here is a pic­ture of me lift­ing weights to il­lus­trate strength. Here is a pic­ture of me punch­ing a punch bag, again, strength. I am ac­tive. Here is a pic­ture of me play­ing foot­ball to il­lus­trate ac­tiv­i­ty. Here is an­oth­er pic­ture of me play­ing foot­ball, same. I am suc­cess­ful. Here is a pic­ture of me in an ex­pen­sive suit in the lob­by of an ex­pen­sive ho­tel to il­lus­trate suc­cess. Here is a pic­ture of me in a pair of brand­ed sun­glass­es be­hind the wheel of a large sports car to il­lus­trate fur­ther suc­cess. I am a nice guy. Here is a pic­ture of me with my arm around my smil­ing moth­er to il­lus­trate the point. Here is a pic­ture of me scratch­ing a large dog be­hind the ears to il­lus­trate the point. I have oth­er qual­i­ties. Here is a pic­ture of me rid­ing a large mo­tor­cy­cle to sug­gest both pow­er and con­trol. Here is a pic­ture of me hang­ing off the side of a moun­tain to sug­gest both courage and ad­ven­ture. And there’s more. Here is a pic­ture of me throw­ing my­self out of a plane to prove that I am both fun and in­ter­est­ing. Here is a pic­ture of me sur­round­ed by oth­er men watch­ing sports in a sports bar to prove that I am both pop­u­lar and a reg­u­lar guy. Yes, that’s me there, in the thick of it, with a beer in my hand and a smirk on my face, are you get­ting it yet? I am a man. I am a busy man. I won’t read your pro­file but I will look at your pic­tures. I like women and I like to have sex but I don’t have time for all that oth­er stuff.

Filed under Fiction on June 12th, 2020

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