Johnny America


A Tech­ni­cal­ly, The­o­ret­i­cal­ly, and Po­lit­i­cal­ly Per­fect Sto­ry, or What Re­mains af­ter Many Years of Ex­ten­sive, In­ten­sive, Sen­si­tive, Open-Mind­ed Work­shops, Peer Ed­its, Com­mu­ni­ty Cri­tiques (Con­struc­tive and Oth­er­wise), and Help­ful Sug­ges­tions from All Ages, Dis­abil­i­ties, Pay Scales, Na­tion­al Ori­gins, Preg­nan­cy-Re­lat­ed Sit­u­a­tions, Races, Re­li­gions, Be­lief and Un­be­lief Sys­tems, Gen­ders, Weights, Body Types, Hair and Eye Pig­ments, Fin­ger­nail Lengths, Fol­lic­u­lar En­dow­ments, Breast Sizes, Foot Odor and Hal­i­to­sis Lev­els, Pre­dis­posed Tem­pera­ments, Brain Chem­i­cal Bal­ances and Im­bal­ances, Svelte Rab­bits, Blood Types, and Last but by No Means Least (Re­mem­ber the Old Say­ing, The Last Shall be First), Gross An­nu­al Ear­wax Pro­duc­tion Levels


Some­thing hap­pened, allegedly.

Filed under Fiction on April 24th, 2007

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