Johnny America


Lot­tery Tick­ets Re­viewed: Moth­er’s Day Doubler


Cost: $1

Max­i­mum prize: $5,000

Ap­peal: This one’s got heart. Scratch and re­veal three like amounts, you win that amount, but scratch a pair and the word “MOM,” and the prize dou­bles. It’s like eat­ing a slice of baked ap­ple pie or snor­kel­ing — both are fun to do with­out your moth­er, but made twice as good when she’s there in the din­er, smil­ing, or laugh­ing on the boat about the Pink­tail Trig­ger­fish that scared her half to death.

Fun: 710

Graph­ic De­sign: 510

Eroti­cism: 010

Over­all val­ue: 910

Filed under Lottery Tickets, Reviewed on April 15th, 2007

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