Johnny America


Di­aled Calls


Peg­gy pulled the blan­kets up over her head, but could­n’t hide from the sun com­ing through the win­dow. She was grog­gy and hung over. Shoot­ing pains trav­eled from be­hind her ears to the back of her head. Be­side her on the pil­low, next to a stray ear­ring and a size­able drool spot, was her new mobile.

Her eyes fell on it. “Oh. Oh god, no,” she mumbled.

She grabbed the sleek lit­tle de­vice and flipped it open. Recent…Dialed calls…

Her eyes widened as she scanned the list. Sev­en calls, and she did­n’t re­mem­ber a sin­gle one. Em­bar­rass­ing calls to friends were noth­ing new; she could han­dle that. What made her ner­vous, though, was the first name on the list — the last per­son she’d called. Her new boss, his home num­ber. 2 AM. Maybe it was just the ma­chine, but some faint mem­o­ry sug­gest­ed that it had­n’t been. She pressed View…Call times…

“Oh,” she in­haled sharply. 1:07. An hour and sev­en min­utes. She strained to re­mem­ber any­thing — a sin­gle word — but came up short.

She flipped the phone closed, shoved it deep un­der the bed­clothes, and buried her face in the wet pillow.

Filed under Fiction on August 1st, 2005

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Reader Comments

i think i had a call from that la­dy, late one night. could­n’t con­vince her it was a wrong num­ber. she kept in­sist­ing i come down to some place called lu­la’s right away.

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