Johnny America


Thoughts while in Ted­dy Wick­lund’s Chair of Dentistry


  1. Even the drills are dig­i­tal! I’m gonna get a “vir­tu­al root canal!”
  2. My mouth has been open for over half an hour now and I feel vulnerable.
  3. “Deep-throat,” that cli­toris-in-the-back-of-the-throat thing: Genius.
  4. Christi­na Aguil­era and Justin did­n’t do it; Justin had more class than that.
  5. What will nano-tech­nol­o­gy do for dentistry?
  6. Drill… hurts.
  7. “Lit­tle shop, lit­tle shop of hor­rors- Shop — op op of horrors!”
  8. Justin needs to get back to the stu­dios, stat!
  9. When I look in­to his eyes, I can see that his co-work­er is inept.
  10. Melis­sa Etheridge is aw­ful, but I can’t stop listening.
  11. What will nano-tech­nol­o­gy do for dentistry?
  12. He scorn­ful­ly ad­mon­ished the as­sis­tant once again.
  13. Tag team! “Yeah, it’s be­cause it’s cold.”
  14. That as­sis­tant so avert­ed eye contact.
  15. When they touch my face with the pads of their thumbs, I know comfort.
  16. Pri­mal com­fort, like “Go­ril­las in the Mist.”
  17. Yeah, my in­sur­ance nev­er cov­ers anything.

Filed under Non-Fiction on February 14th, 2005

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Bill C wrote:

ay, good one man

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