Johnny America


Per­son­al Reference


Illustration of two people at a table

Dear Hal­lan­ote,

Among the de­tri­tus, the falling leaves of sales pitch­es and char­i­ta­ble ap­peals and util­i­ty bills, like a bit of shiny gold foil at the top of a pile of rub­bish, your re­quest for a per­son­al ref­er­ence was at the top of my in­box. A name on the email sub­ject head­ing that I haven’t seen in years.


You have found me on a peace­ful morn­ing at the cof­fee shop en­joy­ing an al­mond crois­sant and a flat white, prepar­ing for yo­ga. Her name has made the calm need­ed, the mea­sured breath­ing, the con­cen­tra­tion impossible. 

Your name coun­ter­acts this. Hal­lan­ote is such a pleas­ing com­bi­na­tion of syl­la­bles, the buried words act­ing at the edge of my sub­con­scious, bleached of mean­ing and reengi­neered to pass through the blood brain bar­ri­er. The sooth­ing mur­mur of the com­mit­tee and high­ly paid con­sul­tants. A gray rock. Good work. I’m not paid to name things any­more. I imag­ine you are some­thing be­tween me­dia and tech. Maybe a work­flow tool, some­thing that claims to add thought­ful­ness to the process.

The pro­fes­sion­al part of the query is easy to dis­pense with. She will be per­fect­ly ad­e­quate for what­ev­er task is need­ed in your cor­po­rate hive. She will stand in the con­fer­ence room and eat birth­day cake with­out com­plaint. I’m sure that she meets what­ev­er qual­i­fi­ca­tions were post­ed. Whether you hire her or some­one else will de­pend on what­ev­er un­writ­ten, un­spo­ken goals and bi­as­es ex­ist at your com­pa­ny. She was beau­ti­ful when I knew her, but I am sure that won’t be a fac­tor. Not at an en­deav­or with the high-mind­ed name of Hallanote. 

You have al­so asked me to rate her char­ac­ter on a scale from 1 to 10, with ten be­ing the most re­li­able saint-like per­son in the world and one be­ing a nar­cis­sis­tic fabulist.

I haven’t worked in years. I’m no longer fa­mil­iar with the play­ers or the game. What I have man­aged to do with this time was to write a crown of son­nets. They are ter­ri­ble. One forced rhyme af­ter an­oth­er, but how many peo­ple right now, this mo­ment, among all the en­deav­ors of hu­mankind, how many are writ­ing a crown of son­nets? One, maybe, two? This is the unique perch from which you dis­turb me to pass judg­ment on my mem­o­ries of an­oth­er hu­man being. 

You should ask some­one else. Any­one else. Go to the con­ve­nience store next to her old job. Flash a pic­ture of her and ask the at­ten­dant if she were kind. And ef­fi­cient. Were her cards de­clined? That would be bet­ter in­for­ma­tion. Sure­ly, you wise and ab­stract­ly con­nect­ed ge­nius­es of the stern but warm ty­pog­ra­phy, the large ‘H’ in Hal­lan­ote like two pil­lars of sup­port to the low­er-case let­ters, know how lit­tle my words are worth. 

Per­haps some ba­sic Google search com­bined with an al­go­rithm will dis­count my words ap­pro­pri­ate­ly. Maybe there is very lit­tle at stake for her in my re­sponse. I imag­ine if she re­al­ly want­ed to do the work of Hal­lan­ote, she would have cho­sen a bet­ter per­son­al ref­er­ence. With­out con­text, you can’t know why I am such a wild­ly in­ap­pro­pri­ate choice for the bland com­ments that would re­as­sure a HR de­part­ment that they aren’t get­ting a de­spi­ca­ble boat rocker. 

She was the rea­son that I was let go and the sparked ru­mors from that fir­ing is the rea­son that I was un­able to find fur­ther em­ploy­ment in my field. Even that has turned out okay. I live a near idyl­lic ex­is­tence. Every day I wake when I please and walk down the hill on the hik­ing trail to the vil­lage that sits by the lake. They serve cof­fee at the book­store and the on­ly bar and grill in town looks out on­to the wa­ter. If I keep to my rou­tines and for­go the cap­i­tals of Eu­rope, I have enough mon­ey to die in my sleep twen­ty years from now. If my life now lacks va­ri­ety, it has made up for it in scenic ef­fi­cien­cy as I move against the back­drop of the piney hill and lake, switch­ing them just by spin­ning around. I’ve worked hard on this ver­sion of myself.

You have jumped to con­clu­sions. You think I was some kind of sex­u­al ag­gres­sor. Some­thing that the well-craft­ed poli­cies of Hal­lan­ote would have weed­ed out long ago. I was not the ogre in this sto­ry. That role be­longs to some­one else high­er up the lad­der than me. I was a vic­tim of jeal­ousy. I was fired to re­move an ob­sta­cle. Bet­sy was trou­bled by her re­la­tion­ship with this man. Who start­ed it and how ea­ger­ly it was en­tered in­to by both par­ties, how much the trap­pings of the of­fice added to his ap­peal, whether she was the first or one of many that he had plucked from the cu­bi­cles, I can on­ly spec­u­late about be­cause I have nev­er talked to him about his half of the equa­tion. You are on­ly ask­ing me to com­ment on her character. 

At hap­py hour, she com­plained about him. How she had to wait around for the least bit of at­ten­tion. How his wife had found out about an­oth­er af­fair and was watch­ing his every move. She com­plained and I wait­ed. I nod­ded and lis­tened with­out of­fer­ing judge­ment. Even­tu­al­ly, we found oth­er things to dis­cuss and that sliv­er of fake time, the hour be­tween work and home, grad­u­al­ly length­ened. I think with more time she might have fall­en in love with me. One night at her house, had it not been for an in­op­por­tune call from him, we would have been phys­i­cal. The call broke the mood. I tried not to over­hear the con­ver­sa­tion that she took be­hind the closed door of her bed­room, but I did hear my name a few times. I knew there would be trou­ble. She came out of her room with apolo­gies. At her door, she kissed me on my cheek. She dis­missed me and I walked down the hall­way and pushed the el­e­va­tor but­ton. While I was wait­ing, she came out again and kissed me for re­al. It was a lit­tle thing she gave me be­fore she gave the rest to him. 

A week lat­er. I dropped a five page love let­ter writ­ten in blank verse on Betsy’s desk, and thir­ty min­utes lat­er, I was called in­to the boss’s of­fice and fired. I could tell you about the pos­i­tive work eval­u­a­tions of the last decade. None of that mat­tered. And be­sides, every in­com­pe­tent per­son on the plan­et has a draw­er full of them. When I left the of­fice, se­cu­ri­ty joined me with a box and marched me to my cu­bi­cle. Phil and Louie stood so close to me that I could smell their com­pet­ing af­ter­shaves. I had played soft­ball with them and ate wings and drank beer with them in the am­ber glow of vic­to­ry. What­ev­er he told them that I did was ter­ri­ble. That wouldn’t let me touch my com­put­er again. No farewell email from me. 

Stand­ing on the side­walk with my box of of­fice knick-knacks at my feet, I called her and she didn’t pick up. I tried tex­ting her and I was blocked. I don’t know what she could have done but she was the on­ly oth­er per­son in the world that knew that my fir­ing wasn’t right. I want­ed her to say some­thing. I could un­der­stand if she need­ed the job, but a year lat­er she quit and what she did af­ter that, I have no idea. The boss was brought down a month lat­er by the messy end­ing of the pre­vi­ous of­fice af­fair. His wife for­ward­ed some tor­rid emails to the en­tire com­pa­ny. The af­fair was with the head of the HR de­part­ment and in­volved the shiny black con­fer­ence ta­ble in the large con­fer­ence room. I got all this from a guy in the mail­room who was sym­pa­thet­ic to me and for­ward­ed the emails. I blush when I think of the language.

I’m go­ing to re­cuse my­self from the char­ac­ter ques­tion oth­er than to say that she didn’t sleep with him to move her­self for­ward in the com­pa­ny. Do your own math to get the num­ber be­tween 1 and 10. I imag­ine that she did it out of bore­dom. Some­times in the clock­work of my per­fect re­peat­ing day, I get bored. I know that if cer­tain op­por­tu­ni­ties pre­sent­ed them­selves to me I would take ad­van­tage of them, just to make the next mo­ments more bear­able. At thir­ty, she had just start­ed to hear mor­tal­i­ty in the blood rush­ing by her ears. I don’t blame her for re­act­ing poor­ly, and in my book, bore­dom is an ad­e­quate ex­cuse for any­thing that doesn’t hurt some­one else. Of course, I, on the sur­face of things, was hurt. And the very thing that of­fend­ed the lothario nev­er hap­pened. It was very dry kin­dling that had burned me up. 

I’m not nos­tal­gic for the re­la­tion­ships that I have had. The think­ing I spend in the sock draw­er of the past is about the women that I could have slept with. The ones where both par­ties had made some ini­tial de­c­la­ra­tion, but fate or com­mon sense stopped the pro­ceed­ings. I still think of Bet­sy oc­ca­sion­al­ly. What’s new about this decade is that some­times I don’t think about any­body. Some­times the geese honk­ing above the lake and the sun­set break­ing in­to rip­ples is enough. Hal­lan­ote, you should ask me for a char­ac­ter ref­er­ence on this lake. You should ask me about the blue un­der the blue with the re­flect­ed clouds sail­ing through. Those are adapt­ed lines from the ninth son­net in my crown. 

I know that he’s not the sub­ject of this query, but I saw the boss once more at the bar and grill. You should hire him. Ex­cept for his trou­bling lack of bound­aries, he was good at his job. He was on a va­ca­tion with his fam­i­ly. He start­ed talk­ing to me at the bar, and I could tell that he had com­plete­ly for­got­ten that he had fired me. I won­der who he thought I was. He ex­pect­ed to have all the same claims up­on me. To pon­tif­i­cate his small­est mus­ings, as­sured of my attention. 

I asked him how Bet­sy was and then the mem­o­ries were up­on him like a cave full of dis­turbed bats. He looked back at the hol­i­day card fam­i­ly that he was hid­ing from at the bar, like they were a life raft. I like to think that at that mo­ment I was of­fer­ing his soul a chance at true sal­va­tion. Just the briefest, man­gled, stut­tered, un­der his breath apol­o­gy would have been enough. My ther­a­pist said this was a grandiose thought. I don’t know. Can you feel lit­tle and grandiose at the same time? My bet­ter self says hire her, Hal­lan­ote. Hire her for God sakes. You should run to her with the news that all is forgiven. 

Cor­dial­ly, cor­dial­ly, cordially.


Filed under Fiction on May 10th, 2024

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Mark Jacobs wrote:

I en­joyed this sto­ry a lot. Mark Jacobs

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