Johnny America




If you and I ever say hel­lo to one an­oth­er af­ter a bit of un­com­fort­able eye con­tact, and then we run in­to each oth­er again at Do­minick­’s lin­ger­ing over the peach­es, and once again lat­er that same week at Star­bucks, and if you and I, af­ter that meet­ing, de­cide to meet on pur­pose, like on a date, say for a Co­en Broth­ers movie or din­ner at an Ital­ian place you’ve al­ways loved but whose name I can’t pro­nounce, and then af­ter that we have tea at an au­then­tic In­di­an tea shop, and tell each oth­er sto­ries about how we got our scars, and then dur­ing the pleas­ant hand-in-hand walk to my car af­ter the tea shop clos­es, you in­vite me to your house to spend the night, please be aware that when we get there, I will pee in your show­er. I just want to be hon­est with you.

Filed under Fiction on February 18th, 2011

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Reader Comments

Steve wrote:

Awe­some. This is great.

Greg Davis wrote:

Love this. It’s great to see some­one fi­nal­ly be­ing hon­est about pee­ing in oth­er peo­ple’s showers.

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