Johnny America


Wine and Salad


She was mad­den­ing, the way she or­dered wine and sal­ad at a cheap Mex­i­can restau­rant. The way she chas­tised him for be­ing in­suf­fi­cient­ly ex­cit­ed when Trad­er Joe’s came to town. The way she ridiculed him in pub­lic, then went home, stripped naked, and rode him like the city bus. He could take no more. It was time to leave, for good. But when he opened his mouth to tell her, he said, “I need you so badly.”

She nod­ded and said, “Get a re­al job.”

So he did.

Filed under Fiction on December 1st, 2009

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Bob Sanchez wrote:

May I as­sume he got a job as a bus driver?

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