Johnny America


Lot­tery Tick­ets Re­viewed: Tic Tac Turkey


Cost: $1

Max­i­mum prize: $2,500

Ap­peal: Com­bines light gam­ing with tra­di­tion­al Thanks­giv­ing iconog­ra­phy. Most scratch-offs re­quire the play­er to match three prizes or icons to claim vic­to­ry, but this one re­quires dis­tin­guish­es it­self by de­mand­ing the triplets be in a row. Tricky.

Fun: 810

Graph­ic De­sign: 710

Eroti­cism: 010

Over­all val­ue: 610

Filed under Lottery Tickets, Reviewed on January 2nd, 2007

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Emily wrote:

I find that turkey mild­ly erotic…

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