Johnny America


Re­view: Fred Bas­sett com­ic from the Oc­to­ber 23rd Kansas City Star


Some­times, when I’m writ­ing and I don’t know what should come next, I’ll just put down a ques­tion mark and move on. I have to as­sume that’s what hap­pened when this com­ic was be­ing drawn, since that’s the on­ly way this makes any sense.

And even then it does­n’t re­al­ly make any sense.

Filed under Comics on October 23rd, 2006

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Reader Comments

Jonah wrote:

This is one of the fun­ni­est com­ic strips I think I have ever seen. Or at least the fun­ni­est re­gard­ing an an­i­mal’s lev­el of self-awareness.

Emily Lawton wrote:

Yes, his ex­is­ten­tial angst is al­most palpable.

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