Johnny America


The Voice


She was hav­ing that dream again…

She and Maria were at the sa­lon get­ting their hands and feet done.

“You know, she’s get­ting mar­ried to­day!” her best friend said to any­one with­in earshot.

Then they were meet­ing her moth­er for brunch. Her stom­ach was ner­vous so she on­ly or­dered the small fruit plate.

“It’s not just cold feet,” a qui­et voice said. She took a bite of the pineap­ple. So sweet.

Then she was sit­ting qui­et­ly in the ho­tel suite, in a com­fy chair in the cor­ner. She watched her brides­maids get dressed as they laughed and joked.

“I’ll do your make­up,” one called to her.

“Don’t do it,” the voice said calm­ly. She closed her eyes and be­gan to hum.

“We’re spend­ing over $15,000 on the re­cep­tion,” her moth­er was telling the coör­di­na­tor, proudly.

“You don’t have to go through with it,” the voice said. She gazed at her re­flec­tion in the mirror.

“You’ve nev­er been more beau­ti­ful,” her fa­ther said, stand­ing be­hind her, beaming.

Then she and her fa­ther were walk­ing down the wide, flower-petaled aisle. She saw a sea of faces. Some she hadn’t seen in years; oth­ers, she couldn’t place at all.

“Such a gor­geous bride!” some­one said. And up ahead, there he was, her hus­band-to-be. He smiled ner­vous­ly as his best man el­bowed him.

“Who gives this woman to be mar­ried?” asked the minister.

“Her moth­er and I do!” her fa­ther sang out loud­ly. Every­one laughed.

“You can stop this,” the voice said.

“Re­peat af­ter me…”

“I take this man…”

“You still have a choice.”

“Through sick­ness and health…”

“Walk away.”

“For bet­ter or for worse…”

“You don’t have to do this!”

“For rich­er, for poorer…”

“Don’t do this!”

“In the sight of God and these witnesses…”

A whis­per.

“I do.”


“I now pro­nounce you, hus­band and wife.”

Filed under Fiction on July 7th, 2006

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Reader Comments

Jonathan wrote:

LOL. Sounds so, so close to home. Whew! It’s fun­ny cause this sounds ex­act­ly what was go­ing through Melis­sa’s head when we shared our crazy mar­riage mo­ments. Hahaha.
Good one, editor!

Bonnie. wrote:

Gave me a frisson.

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