Johnny America


Trea­sure: Aban­doned Moment


Dig site: The Kansas State Fair, an an­nu­al event in Hutchin­son, Kansas, just North of the Love Me­ter, about fif­teen feet East of a strength-test­ing game where play­ers punch a me­chan­i­cal sen­sor with all they’ve got, try­ing to beat their bud­dies’ high scores.

Re­tail val­ue: Three dollars.

Ap­peal: Why did­n’t this cou­ple wait for their por­traits to de­vel­op, I won­der. Two and half min­utes, the ma­chine’s ad­ver­tised pro­cess­ing time, is hard­ly a wait for a record of a day of Tilt-A-Whirl, live­stock ex­hi­bi­tions, and fun­nel cakes un­der a shady tree with your sweet­heart. Did they go at it in the pho­to booth, on­ly to be whisked away by se­cu­ri­ty? It seems im­pos­si­ble that two peo­ple might sim­ply for­get why they’re star­ing at a small chute, wait­ing for some­thing to hap­pen. Did he pro­pose to her while she tapped im­pa­tient­ly on the alu­minum wall of the booth? Were they in the pick-up truck, bee-lined for Ve­gas, by the time I found their cap­tured visages?

Filed under Treasure Hunter Mark Brown Presents on September 13th, 2004

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Jum wrote:

Holy Hell! That’s my Pa! And that gal in the swim­mun suit was lyin on her back bleed­in’ from her head af­ter Ma done tore that cur­tain off th’ booth. Ma was mad­der than a wet goat, I’ll tell ya. She took the sharp stick out my can­died ap­ple and hollered, “Dead bitch! Ya bet­ter git on back to Geary where your kind blongs, whorin’ and cheatin’.”

The po-lice come and took Ma af­ter she used that ap­ple stick on that Ho’s head. Pa just cried and cried…and he’s still drinkin.…

Mark Brown wrote:

Thanks, Jum, my cu­ri­ousi­ty was killing me.

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