Johnny America


Trea­sure: Found Snapshots


Dig site: “The Thing,” a junk shop in Green­point, Brooklyn.

Re­tail val­ue: Two dol­lars for the bunch.

Ap­peal: It’s strange and fas­ci­nat­ing, dig­ging through a draw­er of oth­er peo­ple’s pho­tographs – scrap­books, pho­to al­bums, loose snap­shots and the odd head­shots of un­known ac­tors. How did they wind up at a tiny junk store? You won­der whether the pic­ture-tak­er moved and for­got a box in the at­tic, whether they’re dead and their mem­o­ries got sold at auc­tion, whether the ex­pla­na­tion’s one that is­n’t cross­ing your mind. You find your­self mak­ing up sto­ries to ex­plain the im­age, and ask­ing ques­tions. Did the girl in stock­ings sug­gest the pho­to­shoot, or her lover? Did the hap­py cou­ple stay mar­ried? What’s the horse’s name?

Filed under Treasure Hunter Mark Brown Presents on March 29th, 2004

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Reader Comments

cholcolate wrote:


sasnaK wrote:

Ran­dom Pic­ture Finder

This site is way too much fun. It is kind of like dig­ging through ran­dom pho­tographs at a junk store. With­out all the junk, of course.…

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