Johnny America


Hap­py Boy Margarine


Scanned image of the Happy Boy margarine box.

Prod­uct pack­ag­ing has grown uni­ver­sal­ly slick. Even if the de­sign is poor, it’s ex­e­cut­ed by an adroit team of Pho­to­shop crafts­men. The folds of the Land-O-Lakes In­di­an girl’s robes are a smooth gra­di­ent, the Pep­si lo­go has a Gauss­ian-blurred drop-shad­ow. Hap­py Boy Mar­garine is an ex­cep­tion. Let us hope the de­sign is de­lib­er­ate­ly fixed, that it’s not in the queue for a touch-up.

Filed under Non-Fiction on July 20th, 2003

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Reader Comments

jeff wrote:

Read your com­ments on Hap­py Boy Mar­garine. I am that boy, now 54 years old! I don’t think the pic­ture can be touched up. I re­mem­ber when they took it back in the ear­ly 1950’s. My Dad owned the com­pa­ny at the time…has since been sold.
Jeff “hap­py boy” lowenfels

I have to say that I’m switch­ing from but­ter to mar­garine (get­ting old). The Hap­py Boy (Mr. Jeff Lowen­fels, it turns out) is pre­cise­ly why I am switch­ing to Hap­py Boy mar­garine. That pic­ture just strikes my fancy…

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