Johnny America


Film: A.I. Ar­ti­fi­cial Intelligence


Sit­ting in the the­ater, watch­ing this film for the first time, as Ted­dy Ruxbin ro­bot boy stares through the thick deep at the blue fairy I won­der why the re­views are lam­bast­ing this film. The act­ing is good, the sto­ry well-plot­ted; why the com­plaints? Then Je­sus & Friends comes down in a space ship and poor Ted­dy’s oedi­pal lust ob­ject can be brought back for just one day and the emo­tion­al cir­cle jerk that en­sues is just too much for me to bear.

I see the disc at Hast­ing’s and want­i­ng to give Spiel­berg an­oth­er chance I put down my $3.50 and rent it for the week­end. Press­ing pause af­ter the ro­bot starts his long sad stare makes this movie a great film. It should’ve end­ed that way, but in­stead Spiel­berg wretch­es over a won­der­ful sto­ry of fu­til­i­ty and des­per­a­tion with a pro­jec­tile Hap­py Ending.

Filed under Films on July 6th, 2003

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