Johnny America



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Items By

Re­ject­ed New York­er Car­toons: “Just a Splash”
( Filed under Comics on December 30th, 2022 )

( Filed under Commentary on December 11th, 2020 )

Re­ject­ed New York­er Car­toons: “Ram­page”
( Filed under Comics on July 17th, 2020 )

Per­fect Day
( Filed under Fiction on February 28th, 2020 )

The Mi­nus World
( Filed under Fiction on January 11th, 2019 )

Re­ject­ed New York­er Car­toons: “At the Doctor”
( Filed under Comics on November 2nd, 2012 )

The Con­ven­tion­eer
( Filed under Fiction on September 2nd, 2011 )

Af­ter the Zom­bies Came: Day 99
( Filed under Zombies, of or Relating to on April 26th, 2010 )

Drink­ing: The In­ter­na­tion­al Bar, Re-Animated
( Filed under Drinking on September 18th, 2008 )

The Bat­tery Lickers
( Filed under Fiction on February 22nd, 2008 )

Af­ter the Zom­bies Came: Day 8
( Filed under Zombies, of or Relating to on November 23rd, 2007 )

Af­ter the Zom­bies Came: Day 12
( Filed under Zombies, of or Relating to on September 15th, 2007 )

Re­view: Wendy’s “Ba­cona­tor”
( Filed under Food on September 12th, 2007 )

Af­ter The Zom­bies Came: Day 121
( Filed under Zombies, of or Relating to on August 14th, 2007 )

Kent Torokvei: Pervert?
( Filed under Realer Genius on March 7th, 2007 )

The Sleep­er
( Filed under Fiction on March 5th, 2007 )

Po­ten­tial Ti­tles In the Po­ten­tial Re­al Ge­nius Canon
( Filed under Realer Genius on February 27th, 2007 )

Film: Sex, Love & Z‑Parts
( Filed under Films on December 25th, 2006 )

Af­ter The Zom­bies Came: Day 31
( Filed under Fiction&Zombies, of or Relating to on June 16th, 2006 )

Sat­ur­day Night Live
( Filed under Non-Fiction on June 16th, 2006 )

Is As Was
( Filed under Fiction on March 19th, 2006 )

The Fifth of July
( Filed under Fiction on February 6th, 2006 )

The Shape of Things
( Filed under Fiction on January 2nd, 2006 )

Sewn Up
( Filed under Fiction on December 23rd, 2005 )

Meth­ods My Room­mate Patrick Giroux Us­es to Psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly Tor­ture Me
( Filed under Non-Fiction on November 15th, 2005 )

Lit­tle Red­fer­n’s Trip to the Supermarket
( Filed under Fiction on October 5th, 2005 )

Open­ing Scene of a Sto­ry Ten­ta­tive­ly Ti­tled “Ste­vie Buys Some Fudgsicles”
( Filed under Fiction on September 16th, 2005 )

Af­ter The Zom­bies Came: Day 22
( Filed under Fiction&Zombies, of or Relating to on August 5th, 2005 )

The Day Af­ter Doris & Janet­te’s End of the World Party
( Filed under Fiction on July 28th, 2005 )

Af­ter the Zom­bies Came: Day 14
( Filed under Fiction&Zombies, of or Relating to on July 1st, 2005 )

My Tele­ki­net­ic Pow­ers: Day 8 Af­ter Their Mys­te­ri­ous Appearance
( Filed under Fiction on June 19th, 2005 )

You Are There: (Bern, Switzer­land) Bärengraben
( Filed under Fiction on June 3rd, 2005 )

Open­ing Scene from a ‘B’ Novel­la Ten­ta­tive­ly Ti­tled Ben­ny Hits the Slots
( Filed under Fiction on April 7th, 2005 )

Why I Hate My Room­mate’s Pet Dog
( Filed under Non-Fiction on March 11th, 2005 )

Ques­tions Writ­ers of the S.A.T. Might Ask Them­selves While Pon­der­ing the 2004 Acad­e­my Awards Act­ing Nominees
( Filed under Non-Fiction on February 21st, 2005 )

Lessons Learned From the Film Lad­der 49
( Filed under Films on October 18th, 2004 )

Re­view: Hill­crest El­e­men­tary School Cafeteria
( Filed under Food on September 6th, 2004 )

Aaron Grill: An Ab­bre­vi­at­ed Biography
( Filed under Non-Fiction on August 21st, 2004 )

Sui­cide Girls Bur­lesque Show
( Filed under Non-Fiction on July 31st, 2004 )

The Mo­ment When My Friend Emi­ly Law­ton and S.N.L. Alum­nus Jim­my Fal­lon Fell in Love
( Filed under Comics on July 30th, 2004 )

( Filed under Non-Fiction on July 28th, 2004 )

Let­ter to My De­ceased Dun­geons and Drag­ons Char­ac­ter, Who I Or­dered In­to Cer­tain Doom
( Filed under Letters on July 2nd, 2004 )

Book Re­view: Ca­jun Sexy Cookin’
( Filed under Books on June 28th, 2004 )

Re­view: In­ter­na­tion­al Bar
( Filed under Drinking on May 27th, 2004 )

The Mod­ern Encore
( Filed under Commentary on April 29th, 2004 )

Film: Eter­nal Sun­shine of the Spot­less Mind
( Filed under Films on March 23rd, 2004 )

Fif­teen-Sec­ond The­atre # 1
( Filed under Fiction on March 22nd, 2004 )

Robin Watch­ing Airplanes
( Filed under Fiction on March 13th, 2004 )

( Filed under Fiction on March 8th, 2004 )

Ne­go­ti­a­tions With My Gen­er­ous Friend Aaron Grill, Who Of­fers a Couch and a Blan­ket to Vis­i­tors, but Not His Sister
( Filed under Letters on February 24th, 2004 )

AOL In­stant Mes­sen­ger Con­ver­sa­tion: Sum­mer Plans
( Filed under Non-Fiction on February 20th, 2004 )

( Filed under Commentary on January 21st, 2004 )

An Evening at the Bour­geois Pig and Some Thoughts About Ben Affleck
( Filed under Drinking on December 22nd, 2003 )

Dear B.M.G. Mu­sic Ser­vice Col­lec­tion Department
( Filed under Letters on December 15th, 2003 )

Ex­cerpts From the Di­ary of Armin Meiwes
( Filed under Fiction on December 6th, 2003 )

Packin From Age Zero
( Filed under Non-Fiction on December 4th, 2003 )

Let Me Tell of My Love of Pigeons
( Filed under Commentary on November 3rd, 2003 )

Mag­dale­na Vega
( Filed under Non-Fiction on October 7th, 2003 )

Film: Match­stick Men
( Filed under Films on September 18th, 2003 )

Sylvie Brings Over a Can of Tuna
( Filed under Fiction on September 5th, 2003 )

The First Three Sen­tences of an Un­fin­ished Choose-Your-Own Ad­ven­ture Sto­ry Which Will In­volve Chi­nese Food, A Truck Ex­plod­ing, and a Brawl in Which Rocko Gets Hit on the Head with an Eggplant
( Filed under Fiction on August 20th, 2003 )

Oliv­er Not Call­ing (par­tial scene)
( Filed under Fiction on August 4th, 2003 )

The Stink of Burn­ing Mattress
( Filed under Dispatches on July 30th, 2003 )

Jes­si­ca Goes Shopping
( Filed under Fiction on July 25th, 2003 )

Film: The Ma­trix Reloaded
( Filed under Films on July 16th, 2003 )

Short Piece In­volv­ing an Au­to­mo­bile (5 of 5)
( Filed under Fiction on July 13th, 2003 )

Short Piece In­volv­ing an Au­to­mo­bile (4 of 5)
( Filed under Fiction on July 11th, 2003 )

Short Piece In­volv­ing an Au­to­mo­bile (3 of 5)
( Filed under Fiction on July 8th, 2003 )

Film: A.I. Ar­ti­fi­cial Intelligence
( Filed under Films on July 6th, 2003 )

Short Piece In­volv­ing an Au­to­mo­bile (2 of 5)
( Filed under Fiction on July 4th, 2003 )

Short Piece In­volv­ing an Au­to­mo­bile (1 of 5)
( Filed under Fiction on July 3rd, 2003 )

Oliv­er Buys Film (Par­tial Scene)
( Filed under Fiction on July 3rd, 2003 )

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