Johnny America


Links to Yonder

Please send us a shout if your site should be here too. We in­clude links to like-mind­ed projects, peo­ple, and friends or fren­e­mies of J. A.


The Big Jewell

Is now de­funct, but with a hoard of hu­mor archives still well worth your time. Hope­ful­ly its ed­i­tors will res­ur­rect the project one day.

A Broom with a View Cleaning

Lo­cal­ly-owned house­clean­ing ser­vice us­ing all-nat­ur­al clean­ing prod­ucts, in Lawrence, Kansas.


Ex­pert med­ical and well­ness writ­ing ser­vices, proof­read­ing, and copy edit­ing by Beth Holley.


Is ex­ceed­ing­ly punc­tu­al for an on­line lit­er­ary en­deav­or. Some­times, like when there’s a one-year de­lay be­tween our pur­port­ed twice-month­ly pub­lish­ing sched­ule, we think, would­n’t it be great to be as clock­work as the Match­book crew.


Is in­cred­i­bly fa­mous, so you’ve heard of them be­fore, but they’re good peeps — at least those we know — so we could­n’t not in­clude them on this list just be­cause they’re as pop­u­lar as Blanche Devereaux.

Mon­key Bicycle

Does­n’t pub­lish near­ly as many sto­ries about mon­keys or bi­cy­cles as you might ex­pect, but they do up­date their web site al­most daily.

105 Mead­owlark Reader

Is a jour­nal of cre­ative non-fic­tion based in Em­po­ria, Kansas.

The Red Hand Files

Nick Cave’s newslet­ter and some­times ad­vice col­umn, where­in fans send notes and queries to the fa­mous trou­ba­dour, who re­spons­es with in­vari­ably thought­ful, philo­soph­i­cal, fre­quent­ly hi­lar­i­ous mi­cro-es­says or mus­ings in return. 

Whistling Shade

Has been bring­ing good read­ing to the twin cities since 2001. We thought se­ri­ous­ly of mov­ing to Min­neapo­lis not so very long ago, then vis­it­ed in the win­ter and prompt­ly aban­doned that fool­hardy daydream.

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