Lottery Tickets Reviewed: Cosmic Cash
Cost: $5
Maximum prize: $25,000
Appeal: Vibrant trails of color and a shimmering logo-mark that seem to radiate at light speed from a galaxy far, far away set this ticket apart from the competition at the Maxi Mart. Day-Glo orbs and planetoids hurtling through space speak to designers having fun.
A Quibble: A circular badge boasts “Out of This World Prizes,” though technically, twenty-five large in American greenbacks is a supremely Earth-local prize. Should you find yourself human-trafficked to Betelgeuse by a pod of Greys, good luck getting back to the Solar System without a wallet flush with Altairian space-dollars.
Graphic Design: 8⁄10
Sparkliness: 6⁄10
Eroticism: 3⁄10
Overall value: 7⁄10
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