Johnny America


How You Might’ve Found John­ny Amer­i­ca #55: 2020


This will be the last in­stall­ment of our reg­u­lar-ish bit How You Might’ve Found John­ny Amer­i­ca. We thank the hun­dreds of thou­sands of con­fused vis­i­tors who’ve ac­ci­den­tal­ly stum­bled up­on J. A. over the years and lin­gered for a minute or two. A small hand­ful have even be­come reg­u­lar read­ers, so thank you Al­taVista, AskJeeves, and oth­er search en­gines past, present, and fu­ture for send­ing new read­ers our way on wild web goose chas­es— our site is al­most cer­tain­ly not what they were look­ing for, but we’re sure glad they stopped by.

Filed under How You Might've Found Johnny America on April 23rd, 2021

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