Johnny America


Ob­scure & Irregular


Ahoy there.

We want­ed to let you know that copies of Eli S. Evans’ Ob­scure & Ir­reg­u­lar are on their way to read­ers who pre-or­dered theirs from the Moon Rab­bit Books & Ephemera Cor­po­ra­tion’s on­line shop. If you like sto­ries, or books, or just pret­ty ob­jects to im­press your moth­er for a low-low price of just $7, con­sid­er a copy. Ob­scure con­tains ten new sto­ries from one of our fa­vorite  J. A. con­trib­u­tors and an au­thor pho­to con­sid­ered scan­dalous by many in the British tabloids.

Here’s an­oth­er su­per­flu­ous link to our on­line shop.

New sto­ry to­mor­row from Jacques De­brot, by the way. It’s set on Mars.

— J. A.

Filed under Dispatches on February 11th, 2021

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