Johnny America


How You Might’ve Found John­ny Amer­i­ca #54: Fall, 2019


Ran­dom vis­i­tors to John­ny Amer­i­ca grow scarcer by the sea­son, as Google and Duck­Duck­Go hone their al­go­rithms to send vis­i­tors to “le­git­i­mate” sites in­stead of er­ro­neous­ly send­ing search­ing cast­aways to our ob­scure is­land on the world wide web. Not so long ago we could count on search en­gines to send thou­sands of in­for­ma­tion-seek­ers to our mot­ley boun­ty of Archives each week, but these days most of our vis­i­tors ap­pear to be ded­i­cat­ed read­ers of very short fic­tion and “sex ghost” lit­er­ary erot­i­ca, the lat­ter rep­re­sent­ing a siz­able por­tion of our au­di­ence for rea­sons still mys­te­ri­ous to the J. A. ed­i­to­r­i­al staff.

Filed under How You Might've Found Johnny America on November 22nd, 2019

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