Johnny America


Lot­tery Tick­ets Re­viewed: Quick Crossword


Cost: $1

Max­i­mum Prize: $5,000

Ap­prox­i­mate Odds: 1 : 4.56

Cri­tique: At first glance the Quick Cross­word scratch-off looks a lit­tle chintzy; its sil­ver fin­ish sparkles like strip­per garb and the red, green, and yel­low ac­cent col­ors re­mind the con­tes­tant of el­ven work­wear. These el­e­ments con­tribute to a sub­dued eroti­cism, but by and large Quick Cross­words is a util­i­tar­i­an af­fair. It is al­so the most en­joy­able scratch-off Yours Tru­ly has ever played. You be­gin by scratch­ing off a large swath of game sur­face, re­veal­ing “Your Let­ters.” Next, you move your at­ten­tion to the minia­ture “cross­word puz­zle,” which is com­posed of com­plet­ed words vis­i­ble un­der translu­cent blue ink. You scrape the blue ink from char­ac­ters that match “Your Let­ters,” with the aim of re­veal­ing com­plet­ed words and win­ning buck­ets of cash. This process of match­ing and scratch­ing takes at least sev­en or eight sec­onds, a “re­veal” sev­er­al times longer than most of this card’s com­pe­ti­tion that makes Quick Cross­word the best val­ue on the mar­ket. The game­play more close­ly re­sem­bles BINGO than it does a cross­word puz­zle, which is slight­ly bizarre for a game called Quick Cross­word, but this con­cep­tu­al in­con­sis­ten­cy is easy to ig­nore when the game is so much fun. High­ly Recommended.

Fun: 10 / 10

Graph­ic De­sign: 210

Eroti­cism: 310

Over­all val­ue: 9.2 / 10

Filed under Lottery Tickets, Reviewed on February 20th, 2008

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