Johnny America


Lot­tery Tick­ets Re­viewed: Mer­ry Music


Cost: $1

Max­i­mum prize: $3,000

Ap­peal: Most lot­to scratch-offs con­tain a sin­gle game of chance — scratch a triplet of like amounts out say nine pan­els, and win the cor­re­spond­ing prize. Mer­ry Mu­sic dis­tin­guish­es it­self by of­fer­ing three-for-one game­play, the group sex of lot­tery tick­ets. The space lim­i­ta­tions of the stan­dard lot­to-tick­et for­mat lim­it the artis­tic depth of each game; to bor­row the jar­gon of com­put­er games, none of these “mi­ni-games” can match the strate­gic com­plex­i­ty of a sphinx like Tic Tac Turkey, but that does­n’t lessen the fun. You spend less time with each mi­ni-game than you might like but the ex­pe­ri­ence as a whole can be as daz­zling as an ice storm.

Fun: 910

Graph­ic De­sign: 810

Eroti­cism: 710

Over­all val­ue: 8.5 / 10

Filed under Lottery Tickets, Reviewed on December 11th, 2007

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