Johnny America


How You Might’ve Found John­ny Amer­i­ca #33: April & May, 2006


Loy­al “How You Might’ve Found” read­ers: hel­lo and thank you for your pa­tience. April skat­ed by with­out our notic­ing. Do you know the feel­ing of a day dis­placed? Say you feel Sat­ur­day, your mar­row tells you so. You go about glad and with a skip in your step, to the Bergen Bagel or the park for kite-fly­ing, then late in the day you re­mem­ber you for­got and whoops, it’s Sun­day and you have to work to­mor­row but the laun­dry’s not done and there are er­rands to run. April was a month displaced.

Filed under How You Might've Found Johnny America on June 5th, 2006

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Reader Comments

Emily wrote:

It would seem that ‘please re­move my non­sen­si­cal asian tat­too’ was a sto­ry on fox news:,3566,194732,00.html

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