How You Might’ve Found Johnny America #30: January, 2006
- “tyler and david are jerks”
- “drinking at work”
- “ligament in your mouth”
- “acromegaly fetish”
- “funny sayings relating to chipmunk”
- “did you even look for a job today?”
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I did not look for a job.
No wonder you get so little accomplished.
And no wonder I had to pay for our date last week… “forgot my wallet” indeed.
I did manage to buy the new Belle & Sebastian album, after a hectic morning of drinking coffee and watching television.
Yeah, how is it?
Also: you still don’t have a job, and Emily shouldn’t have to buy you lunch, even if it is just dollar menu items at Wendy’s.
Look, it’s not like I wanted to go to Wendy’s… he just kept saying how much he wanted a Frosty.
It was pretty good. Funky where it needs to be. Cost $16, which is why I didn’t have ca$h for a frosty.