Johnny America


How You Might’ve Found John­ny Amer­i­ca #30: Jan­u­ary, 2006


Filed under How You Might've Found Johnny America on February 13th, 2006

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Reader Comments

Derek wrote:

I did not look for a job.

Jonathan wrote:

No won­der you get so lit­tle accomplished.

Emily wrote:

And no won­der I had to pay for our date last week… “for­got my wal­let” indeed.

Derek wrote:

I did man­age to buy the new Belle & Se­bas­t­ian al­bum, af­ter a hec­tic morn­ing of drink­ing cof­fee and watch­ing television.

Jonathan wrote:

Yeah, how is it?
Al­so: you still don’t have a job, and Emi­ly should­n’t have to buy you lunch, even if it is just dol­lar menu items at Wendy’s.

Emily wrote:

Look, it’s not like I want­ed to go to Wendy’s… he just kept say­ing how much he want­ed a Frosty.

Derek wrote:

It was pret­ty good. Funky where it needs to be. Cost $16, which is why I did­n’t have ca$h for a frosty.

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