Johnny America


Just Ask James: The Big Question


Dear James,

Am I ab­nor­mal if I like to search for same gen­der pictures?


Dear Ad­di­son,

Ac­cord­ing to Kinsey’s Sex­u­al Be­hav­ior in the Hu­man (1948):

Prin­ci­pal find­ings of the Male vol­ume in­clud­ed: that 85% of the Amer­i­can males sam­pled had ex­pe­ri­enced pre-mar­i­tal in­ter­course; that 59% had some ex­pe­ri­ence in oral-gen­i­tal con­tacts; that from 30 to 45% par­tic­i­pat­ed in ex­tra-mar­i­tal in­ter­course; that 37% had some ho­mo­sex­u­al ex­pe­ri­ence to or­gasm be­tween ado­les­cence and old age; 10% of the men stud­ied had lived at least 3 years of their lives be­tween the ages of 16 and 55 be­ing ex­clu­sive­ly sex­u­al with the same sex; and that 17% of farm boys in­ter­viewed had ex­pe­ri­enced in­ter­course with animals.

Do you live on a farm?


Filed under Just Ask James on August 12th, 2005

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