Johnny America


The New McNuggets


The new All White Meat Mc­Nuggets re­al­ly are bet­ter than their pre­de­ces­sor. My re­view 10-piece car­ton was a fried, bat­tered, vague­ly chicken‑y treat.

In oth­er news from Ronald to Me to You: they’ve sub­tle­ty thick­ened the plas­tic straws in the last two months.

Yours Tru­ly is a fan of the one-hand­ed straw-slam to knee; pop­ping it out of its pa­per wrap­per with a slam­ming mo­tion while shak­ing the cup to swirl the ice around with the oth­er hand. Low qual­i­ty straws, es­pe­cial­ly those clear plas­tic ones, tend to fail about two inch­es from the bot­tom dur­ing this cer­e­mo­ny, negat­ing the tech­nique’s in­her­ent time-sav­ing as­pects. Two hand­ed open­ing won’t cut it for this busy girl, so I raise a salute to Ronald for bump­ing the struc­tur­al in­tegri­ty and spar­ing me the frus­tra­tion of tin­ker­ing with a bust­ed drink­ing straw on the 7 train.

Filed under Food on December 18th, 2003

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