Johnny America


Places Where You Can Find John­ny America

John­ny Amer­i­ca is avail­able at a few in­de­pen­dent book­stores, spe­cial­ty re­tail­ers, and li­braries in met­ro­pol­i­tan ar­eas both famed and obscure.

If you don’t see your lo­cal in­die book­shop on this list but feel J.A. might fit in well on its shelves, please write us at and we’ll investigate.

Book­stores & Oth­er Retailers

Bal­ti­more, Maryland

Atom­ic Books
1100 W. 36th Street

Chica­go, Illinois

Quim­by’s Bookstore
1854 W. North Avenue

Kansas City, Missouri

110 South­west Boulevard

Pros­per­o’s Books
1800 W 39th Street

Lawrence, Kansas

Love Gar­den Sounds
822 Mass­a­chu­setts Street

The Raven Bookstore
8 E. 7th Street

Won­der Fair
841 Mass­a­chu­setts Street

Mel­bourne, Australia

Shop 10, Camp­bell Ar­cade, De­graves Sub­way Station
(En­ter from De­graves or Flinders Street)

Min­neapo­lis, Minnesota

Min­neso­ta Cen­ter for Book Arts
1011 Wash­ing­ton Av­enue S, Suite 100

New York, New York

Mc­Nal­ly Jack­son Books
52 Prince Street


Jack­sonville, Florida

The Jack­sonville Pub­lic Library
303 N. Lau­ra Street

New York, New York

The New York Pub­lic Library
Fifth Av­enue & 42nd Street
De­Witt Wal­lace Pe­ri­od­i­cal Room, #108

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