Johnny America


Blun­der, New J. A. Print Zine, New Eli S. Evans Book


Illustration of a two dollar bill atop a pile of cash.

Ahoy, Kind Readers!

We had a bit of a mix-up this week and al­most pub­lished a new sto­ry that had al­ready been ac­cept­ed by an­oth­er pub­li­ca­tion. File un­der: “hu­mans,” “mis­takes were made,” “e‑mail flubs.” It was a fun sto­ry, in­volv­ing time ma­chines and tem­po­ral-based prac­ti­cal jokes, so we’re sor­ry to just bring you this breezy note instead.

We on­ly found out about the blun­der yes­ter­day, so we don’t have a new sto­ry for you to­day… or more to the point, we don’t have an ac­com­pa­ny­ing il­lus­tra­tion ready to go for any of the pieces in our pub­li­ca­tion queue. In two weeks we will bring you a tale of friend­ship, loss, and The A‑Team.

And to­day, since we do have an il­lus­tra­tion of a two dol­lar bill at hand— in­tend­ed for a sto­ry about time ma­chines and small bills that we will nev­er run— it seemed apro­pos to an­nounce two forth­com­ing Moon Rab­bit pub­li­ca­tions: John­ny Amer­i­ca 10 and Var­i­ous Sto­ries About Spe­cif­ic In­di­vid­u­als in Par­tic­u­lar Sit­u­a­tions, our sec­ond col­lec­tion of sto­ries from Eli S. Evans. 

Both are avail­able now for pre-or­der, with ship­ping planned for mid-Sep­tem­ber, from the Moon Rab­bit Books & Ephemera on­line shop. Three bucks for the zine; nine dol­lars for the book. 

Filed under Dispatches on July 28th, 2023

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