Johnny America


Un­flushed Toilet


Illustration of a toilet.

Greet­ed by it from afar, I know why the la­dy was pissed.

Some­one should be ashamed of them­selves. I won­der if they looked in the mir­ror when they were wash­ing their hands.

I won­der if they washed their hands.

Some­one should go to church and con­fess to com­mit­ting this atroc­i­ty, this abom­i­na­tion to man and God, and fur­ther be re­buked for not spritz­ing a lit­tle cologne in there af­ter­ward or not spark­ing up a match. But for not flush­ing, some­one should be blind­ed. Some­one should be hung. Some­one should be quartered. 

In any event, a price should be paid. 

Some­one should be flayed and mauled by a thou­sand fer­al cats and dogs, and tram­pled by a herd of ex­e­cu­tion ele­phants, and dunked in a tub of io­dine, then sprayed with gaso­line and set alight, for not flush­ing the toilet. 

Oh what a love­ly blaze it would be, for all of humankind.

Filed under Commentary on June 16th, 2023

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