Lottery Tickets Reviewed: Fire & Ice
Cost: $1
Maximum prize: $1,000
At a Glance: Six rows of colorful icons ascend this vertically-oriented ticket like so many layers of a cake made of money. From the base, three blocks of ice represent the one dollar prize level; next up, a trio of chili peppers stands in for a spicier prize of five bucks; at the very top, three orbs of pure flame show you the way to a fiery thousand. The background graphic is an echo of the “ascending hotness” motif of the foreground icons, with cool ice blues low on the ticket feathering into warm swirls of orange and yellow high on the ticket, reaching for the annihilating inferno of the sun.
Gameplay: This is a “peel to win” ticket, where instead of scratching metallic paint from the front of the ticket to reveal the winning combinations, you pull cardboard tabs on the backside to reveal the icons beneath. Yours truly finds this instant-gratification gaming mechanism less satisfying that the almost-instant-gratification of a traditional stratcher, but still, for a buck this ticket ain’t bad. This reviewer won zilch, but I enjoyed the brief thrill.
Graphic Design: 7⁄10
Eroticism: 1⁄10
Overall value: 6⁄10
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