Johnny America


Hap­py Place


Illustration of two mastiffs.

As the city slept, I found my­self lock­ing horns with the beast of my anx­i­ety. It hap­pened a num­ber of times, nev­er as se­vere­ly as this one. Sirens with­out and with­in, I stood reel­ing in the mid­dle of my liv­ing room, hands to my ears, mouth gap­ing and silent, sweat rilling down my naked tor­so, drip­ping off my nose and chin. Tell me this will end, some­body; tell me this will end, anybody.

“It’s three in the morning.”

“I know I know I know. Just talk to me for a few min­utes.” Dis­tance and time had es­tranged us.

“Every­thing okay?”

“No. Ha. I think I was hav­ing a bad dream and I woke up in a pan­ic. Still feel­ing it.” Like a snake in a bag, I couldn’t see it but knew it was there.

“Do you re­mem­ber the dream? Some­times it’s good to re­mem­ber the dream. It helps.”

“Some­thing was chas­ing me. A man, an an­i­mal. Or at least I was try­ing to run away from it, but I felt stuck in quick­sand. The rest is live coals and foam.”

“Hm. That doesn’t help much. Try think­ing good thoughts. Where’s your hap­py place?”

“My hap­py place? I don’t re­al­ly have one.”

“Where do you most like to hang out? Do you go to Starbucks?”

“Star­bucks? Ha.” I pic­tured pen­nants of bloody meat where cus­tomers usu­al­ly sat with their lap­tops and lattes. “I go to Aro­ma. They serve bet­ter cof­fee— not that charred shit — but I don’t like the peo­ple there.” An­droids. Even the bark­ing of mas­tiffs could not move them.

“Look. I bet­ter go.”

“Okay, just an­oth­er minute.” The sweat be­gan to dry on my body. My equi­lib­ri­um slow­ly re­turned. More than a minute had passed.


“Okay, Dar­lene,” I said.

“It’s not Darlene.”

“It’s not? Then who is it?”

“Go back to sleep, man. We have un­fin­ished business.”

Filed under Fiction on July 29th, 2022

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