Johnny America


J.A. Quar­ter­ly Re­tort: Spring 2021


Photograph of a Post-It with Storie names written on it, and dice.

To the nay-say­ers at the New York­er who de­scribe Eli S. Evans’ au­thor pho­to from his new-ish book Ob­scure & Ir­reg­u­lar as “too sala­cious for a se­ri­ous au­thor,” we ask… se­ri­ous­ly? It’s time we all moved past out­dat­ed ex­pec­ta­tions of fa­mous writ­ers as somber, scarf-wear­ing malcontents.

As we ease from a lazy Spring to a swel­ter­ing Sum­mer, once again we’ve brought out the Dun­geons & Drag­ons dice to let fate de­ter­mine this sea­son’s ben­e­fi­cia­ry of our Pa­tre­on au­thor li­ba­tions fund. Ed No­body is the lucky win­ner with this roll, and a pack­age of Rep­e­ti­tion Coffee’s “Brazil / Cel­so & Gertrudes” is now on its way to him. Thanks again for shar­ing, “Hot Fig­ure” with us, Ed— we hope you en­joy the hot coffee.

In oth­er news, have you heard about cats? They’re an an­i­mal we’ve re­cent­ly dis­cov­ered on the In­ter­net and they’re de­light­ful. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed viewing.

— J. A

Filed under Dispatches on July 5th, 2021

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