Johnny America


Strange Times / Hot Dealz…


Ahoy there, Kind Read­ers! We hope you are phys­i­cal­ly well, if a lit­tle neu­rot­ic due to the world, and in search of slight­ly-dat­ed print­ed read­ing material. 

The Moon Rab­bit Drink­ing Club & Benev­o­lence So­ci­ety is work­ing on two new publications: 

  1. A col­lec­tion of sto­ries by fre­quent J. A. con­trib­u­tor Eli S. Evans, ten­ta­tive­ly ti­tled Ob­scure & Ir­reg­u­lar, to be re­leased this fall.
  2. John­ny Amer­i­ca #10, a new is­sue of our hu­mor­ous-lit­er­ary­ous ’zine-chapbook-“little mag­a­zine”-thing, to be pub­lished this winter.

In ad­vance of this rau­cous on­slaught of new words, we’re look­ing to clear out our small stock of back-is­sues, so we’re hav­ing a “pan­dem­ic sale” on John­ny Amer­i­ca #9 at our new­ly-up­dat­ed on­line shop for just a buck, in­clud­ing ship­ping costs. 

The new shop is a still a lit­tle rough around the pix­els, so please for­give its cur­rent lack of graph­ic panache, but it works, and it’s got bet­ter bones than our pre­vi­ous shop, and well.… at one buck for an is­sue the price is ex­treme­ly right.

As al­ways, John­ny Amer­i­ca is free to all res­i­dents of Antarc­ti­ca, so if you’re a res­i­dent of our finest pole please drop us a line if you’d like your free issue.

— J. A.

Filed under Dispatches on June 26th, 2020

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