More Words I Didn’t Use Today, But Could Have
… a few more from Kenai, Alaska…
Apocryphal: Well-known but probably not true, like so many facts from PowerPoint presentations.
Acerbic: Expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way (This is probably the most common language of Yanks; we throw it under our breath and hint at it in sleep tones. I wish I were better a man, but I am not)
Fomorian: One race of pirates or sea demons who raided and pillaged Ireland but were finally defeated; sometimes associated with the hostile powers of the sea (this was one that came up twice, once while looking at the sunrise and thinking about the fires and then again thinking about the systems in which we work — all the negative folks and how over the long run it is all attainable — how we can beat back the fires. There is a great quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I have to keep this in my mind all the time while working. Over and over again putting on my smiley face and trying to love everyone everywhere… it is weird how this works, after a while the darkness means nothing and you actually love everyone you ever meet. Hell, I get paid to do this!)
Indelible: Impossible to remove or forget (My parents, I thought about saying this earlier when with the small group of folks I was speaking with. But these words have been used before and I only want the folks that deserve it to hear it from now on.)
Oxter: The armpit; also, the embrace of arms. (This is just a fun word; throw the old oxter over your kin and pull them in!)
Sinistral: Of or pertaining to the left side; situated on the left hand; not dextral; sinister; sinistrous (sin) (not to many folks know that the word ‘sin’ derives off of the fact that poor lefty’s were ‘odd’ and latter we learned to love them for their different thinking… think different folks)
Hotspur: A person who spurs or pushes on recklessly; one who is violent. Passionate, heady, or rash (Me.)
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