Johnny America


Ex­cuse Me Sir, Could You Tell Me How To Get To Damascus?


No­vem­ber 28, 1959

Dear San­ta,

I know it’s on­ly Thanks­giv­ing but I’m send­ing my Christ­mas list now since I know you’re very busy this time of the year get­ting ready for the hol­i­days, mak­ing toys and read­ing let­ters from kids like me, so here’s what I want for Christmas.

The Tiger Joe Mo­tor­ized Re­mote-Con­trol Tank. It comes with six shells I can shoot at my sis­ter to keep her out of my room. Don’t for­get the 4 D‑sized batteries.

The REMCO bat­tery-op­er­at­ed Fight­ing La­dy Mo­tor­ized As­sault Bat­tle­ship. If you run out of Fight­ing Lady’s, the Bat­tle Wag­on Bat­tle­ship is OK. Be­sides, it has more guns. It al­so has rock­ets, tor­pe­does, depth charges, mis­siles and jet fight­ers that you can launch from a ramp. It has every­thing. I think I like it bet­ter. If you run out of ei­ther one of these two, I’ll take the U.S.S. En­ter­prise Air­craft Car­ri­er. You can raise the jets up and down from the flight deck.

The Jet Fight­er Cock­pit by Ide­al. It has a radar screen that lights up when you’re on tar­get so you can fire mis­sile darts at Com­mie jets or your sis­ter. I’ll need the Steve Canyon hel­met to go with it. I saw it on Chan­nel 5.

The Marx Bat­tle­ground Play Set. It comes with sol­diers, tanks, ar­tillery, jeeps, land­ing craft, ma­chine gun nests, and en­e­my tanks and sol­diers that look like Ger­mans but could be Japs. It’s hard to tell.

The Rem­co Whirley­bird Mo­tor­ized He­li­copter. It comes with sol­diers, jeeps and guns too. It does­n’t fly but it moves along the ground, makes an en­gine noise and the blades go round.

My moth­er says I can’t have the Mat­tel Shootin’ Shell Win­ches­ter Ri­fle. I had the Mat­tel Fan­ner 50 Shootin’ Shell .45, but my moth­er took it away. Both fire plas­tic bul­lets. I shot my cousin Richie in the head with the Fan­ner 50 when I was chas­ing him around the back­yard at my grand­moth­er’s house. He cried and rat­ted on me, the big baby.

The Rem­co Ma­rine Raider Bazooka. It comes with four shells. I could use it to blow up the Tiger Joe Mo­tor­ized Tank. And I could shoot Richie the rat.

I saw the Tom­my Burst De­tec­tive Set on the Mick­ey Mouse Club. It comes with a snub nose pis­tol and a badge. Sgt. Fri­day on Drag­net has a badge and snub nose pis­tol, but he does­n’t have a Tom­my gun.

Or you could bring me the Mat­tel Thun­der­burp Tom­my gun. It does­n’t need caps or bat­ter­ies. John Wayne had one in that movie Back to Bataan. He killed a lot of Japs with it.

Or the John­ny Ea­gle Lieu­tenant M‑14 ri­fle and .45 pis­tol set. It fires caps and bul­lets and it ejects shells and has an ad­justable sling.

I want the Boo­by Trap Land Mine by Rem­co and the Mat­tel Gueril­la Boo­by Trap. I can set traps for my sister.

My moth­er said that af­ter what hap­pened to my cousin Richie, I can’t have a Daisy B.B. gun. I might put an eye. I promised her I’d on­ly shoot at birds and cats, but she still said no.

I’d re­al­ly like a cou­ple of mod­el plane kits and mod­el ship kits, you know, the ones made by Rev­ell, but my moth­er won’t let me, not since that time I blew up a bat­tle­ship in the bath­tub. I was watch­ing Vic­to­ry at Sea on TV, the episode about Ok­i­nawa and the Kamikazes. I filled the bat­tle­ship with lighter flu­id, stuck a fire­crack­er in the smoke­stack and lit the fuse. It was re­al­ly cool. You should have seen the flames shoot up and the pieces fly all over the bath­room. But I did­n’t get all the scorch marks off the ceil­ing be­fore my moth­er got home, though.

I blew up an F‑86 fight­er jet once but I did­n’t use any lighter flu­id this time. I hung it from a string in my bed­room and stuck a fire­crack­er up the tailpipe. When it blew up, a piece hit my sis­ter in the face and left a mark. I told her if she rat­ted me out I’d punch her in the head.

I don’t need any socks and un­der­wear. I got enough on my birth­day last June.

Ok, that’s about it. If I think of any­thing else, I’ll drop you a post card.

Mer­ry Christmas!

Your pal,


Filed under Commentary on August 30th, 2013

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