Johnny America


Trea­sure: Minia­ture Choco­late Bars with Li­po­suc­tion Brochure


Ma­te­ri­als: Sug­ar, Co­coa But­ter, Choco­late, Milk, (Choco­late Bars); 50% Post-Con­sumer Re­cy­cled Pa­per, Soy-Based Inks in Cyan, Ma­gen­ta, Yel­low, and Black (Brochure).

Dig site: Wait­ing room of a plas­tic sur­geon’s of­fice in the Up­per East Side, be­tween Park and Madison.

Re­tail val­ue: 7 cents per choco­late, half a dol­lar per brochure.

Ap­peal: Amus­ing­ly per­verse demon­stra­tion of the in­her­ent con­flict be­tween Glut­tony and Vanity.

Filed under Treasure Hunter Mark Brown Presents on August 4th, 2007

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