Johnny America


In the News # 3



While ‘so-so’ is an im­prove­ment over small, it still seems so wrong. The quote, there at the bot­tom, is “If I can’t come up big… I’ll quit.”

UPDATE: This guy can’t catch a break. First he’s out­ed for his mediocre gen­i­talia, and then to­day they point out how un­at­trac­tive he is:

Filed under Dispatches on May 10th, 2006

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Reader Comments

Jum wrote:

Oh Randy, don’t quit, af­ter all it’s not the ve­loc­i­ty of the pitch that pleas­es a woman, rather the an­gle of the curve. Is­n’t that right Emi­ly? Emi­ly, thanks for keep­ing your loy­al sub­jects up-to-date on this washed-up, sor­ry-look­ing yan­kee. You’ve come up big as always.

Emily wrote:

I would­n’t even be­gin to spec­u­late on what pleas­es a woman.

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