Johnny America


In the News Again


In case you doubt­ed my the­o­ry that New York news­pa­pers en­joy crit­i­ciz­ing the size of base­ball stars’ gen­i­tals, I fur­ther sub­mit this piece of ev­i­dence from to­day’s Post.

Filed under Dispatches on May 2nd, 2006

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Jum wrote:

The ed­i­tor must be from Boston. Why else would they per­sist in this diminu­tion of proud yan­kee gen­i­tals? In­ter­est­ing­ly, the word “j’eter” is Malay for ‘horse fly testes.’ Ap­par­ent­ly, up­on im­mi­grat­ing to Amer­i­ca, Grand­pa Jeter se­lect­ed the name un­der the er­ro­neous as­sump­tion that it meant ‘horse testes.’

Emily wrote:

Ac­tu­al­ly, the pre­vi­ous one was in the Dai­ly News and this one’s in the Post, so un­less they’re some­how Both from Boston I think there must be some oth­er explanation.

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