Johnny America


Trea­sure: Ve­ra Stravin­sky’s Candy


Ma­te­ri­als: Sug­ar, nat­ur­al and ar­ti­fi­cial fla­vor­ing, red dye num­ber 5.

Dig site: Iso­la di San Michele, the ceme­tery is­land of Venice, Italy, about a dozen me­ters to the right of Ezra Pound (R.I.P.) — an ar­m’s length from her dead hus­band Ig­or (com­pos­er).

Re­tail val­ue: 10 cents.

Ap­peal: The can­dy is laid out in the cen­ter of a plas­tic wreath, and looks de­li­cious. The own­er ob­vi­ous­ly has no use for it, but it’s dif­fi­cult to rid­dle whether it’s fair game. Was Ve­ra fa­mous for her sweet tooth, you won­der, or is the can­dy sim­ply the trace of some Czech punk with a fas­ci­na­tion for the Neo-Clas­si­cal smok­ing a joint on her grave?

Filed under Treasure Hunter Mark Brown Presents on August 25th, 2005

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