Johnny America


Book Re­view: Ca­jun Sexy Cookin’


Be­fore Ca­jun Sexy Cookin’ I owned two cook­books — a thin, lav­ish­ly il­lus­trat­ed vol­ume demon­strat­ing prac­ti­cal tech­niques for cook­ing Chi­nese-Amer­i­can fare and a Good House­keep­ing tome of All-Amer­i­can stan­dards. I now own just a sin­gle cook­book, hav­ing pitched the two cost­ly and use­ful edi­tions in dis­gust af­ter be­hold­ing the ra­di­ant light of this new clas­sic, which I af­fec­tion­ate­ly re­fer to as “CSC.”

The recipes are what any savvy con­nois­seur of Ca­jun fare might pre­dict: tur­tle soup, jam­bal­aya, baked lemon cat­fish, etc. I have yet to repli­cate any of these recipes, so I can­not vouch for their qual­i­ty, but their pre­sen­ta­tion is so tran­scen­dent, so per­fect­ly in line with my in­ter­ests and fas­ci­na­tions, that im­me­di­ate­ly I trashed my two oth­er culi­nary guides.

Ex­hib­it A: Girl in a biki­ni, catch­ing crabs us­ing spe­cial­ized cages:

Ex­hib­it B: Vix­en with a quiver in her hand, ex­ud­ing pride in her Amer­i­can-In­di­an her­itage by sport­ing Apache-in­spired sportswear:

Ex­hib­it C: Nine­teen-year-old beau­ty in leop­ard-print bathing skirt, hold­ing com­pound bow, pro­ject­ing an ad­mirably strong sense of em­pow­ered sex­u­al­i­ty while con­vey­ing with her eyes the pas­sion with which one must tack­le the prepa­ra­tion of fine foodstuffs:

Need I say more? Yes! Beau­ti­ful ladies, guns, knives, and al­li­ga­tors: CSC has it all. Like a fine gum­bo each com­po­nent is de­lib­er­ate­ly cho­sen and com­ple­ments all oth­ers (ri­fles, but not too many; re­veal­ing swimwear, but not risqué). Aban­don your oth­er cook­books; Ca­jun Sexy Cookin’ re­places and sur­pass­es them.

Re­lat­ed links:

Filed under Books on June 28th, 2004

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Reader Comments

Faso Latido wrote:

Ex­hib­it A: SHe’s a babe! Schwing!
Ex­hib­it B: In French, she would be called Le Re­nard and be hunt­ed with on­ly her cun­ning to pro­tect her.
Ex­hib­it C: Garth says if she were a pres­i­dent, she’d be Babra­ham Lincoln.
We think this cook­book would rate very high on the strok­a­bil­i­ty scale. May we stop by to pe­ruse it?

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