Johnny America


Trea­sure: Lure of the Limerick


Dig site: An­tique mall in down­town Lawrence, Kansas.

Re­tail val­ue: Ten bucks.

Ap­peal: The first thing to catch me was this vol­ume’s hor­i­zon­tal ori­en­ta­tion; I was about fif­teen feet away and it pulled my at­ten­tion away from a bake­lite Art De­co tele­phone. As I ap­proached I latched on to the salmon and linen col­ors, and re­al­ized I’d have to thumb through its pages. I raised an eye­brow when I was close enough to dis­cern the se­mi-nude il­lus­tra­tion. When I read the ti­tle, The Lure of the Lim­er­ick, I sus­pect­ed I’d be mak­ing a purchase.

This book chron­i­cles the his­to­ry of the lim­er­ick and pro­vides hun­dreds of ex­am­ples and dozens of il­lus­tra­tions. The top­ic is in­ter­est­ing and has mass ap­peal  —  we all love raunchy rhymes  —  but what re­al­ly makes this book a trea­sure, that some­thing that com­pelled me fork over ten dol­lars, was that this par­tic­u­lar copy smells like cin­na­mon. Old books have a par­tic­u­lar smell, and I was tak­en aback as I leaned in to take a whiff. Cin­na­mon! If all books could so stim­u­late the ol­fac­to­ry we’d be a lit­er­ate nation.

Filed under Treasure Hunter Mark Brown Presents on June 9th, 2004

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Reader Comments

Ed wrote:

That looks like a re­al­ly cool book. If I knew you, I’d steal it from you. Well, not re­al­ly. But I’d tell every­one I want­ed to.

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