Johnny America


AOL In­stant Mes­sen­ger Con­ver­sa­tion: Sum­mer Plans


JJH: I do have big plans this sum­mer — I’m go­ing to spend many hours watch­ing tele­vi­sion and soak­ing up con­di­tioned air.

EGL: That is big plans.

JJH: My am­bi­tion for this en­deav­or is near­ly limitless.

EGL: I be­lieve it. I stand be­hind you 100 percent.

JJH: You can­not stand be­hind me! I will be sit­ting on the couch.

EGL: I will move it away from the wall ever so slight­ly. You won’t even know I’m there.

JJH: Don’t put your hand there — you’re engaged!

EGL: I was look­ing for a Star­burst you dropped.

Filed under Non-Fiction on February 20th, 2004

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